Gummy Smile

The Gummy Smile is a smile that shows an excessive amount of gum tissue under the upper lip. The term comes from the English word “gum”, which translates as “tooth flesh”. A gummy smile can have different causes. As a rule, a gummy smile is caused by an overly pronounced lifting muscle that pulls the upper lip upwards too much.

There are several effective ways to visually reduce a gummy smile. In addition to surgical procedures, gummy smile correction has established itself as a successful method as part of treatment with muscle relaxants (Botox injections).

In the following sections you can find out more about the causes and treatment options for gummy smiles.

    Gummy Smile
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    What you need to know about the Gummy Smile

    Do you know the feeling when a smile just shines? But sometimes this smile shows more gum than desired. This is known as the “gummy smile”. It is neither a flaw nor a health concern, but it can be aesthetically disturbing for some of us. In just under 10% of people between the ages of 20 and 30, the gums are more than 2mm visible when smiling. There are many causes and your genetics usually play an important role.

    But does that mean you have to accept a gummy smile if it bothers you? No. Medicine has a lot to offer here. From the gentle use of botulinum toxin to surgical adjustments of the gums or lip position – there is a suitable solution for almost everyone. And usually no major intervention is required. Interested? Stay tuned and find out more about the possibilities.

    Gummy Smile: Simply explained!

    Put simply, a gummy smile occurs when the ratio of teeth to gums is not balanced. This can be influenced by various factors. Sometimes it is due to the shape and length of the teeth, sometimes the position of the gums or the way your lips are lifted when you smile. Keyword: overactivity of the lip muscles.

    Did you know that your facial anatomy also influences how your smile is perceived? For example, a deeper nasolabial fold can enhance or diminish the appearance of a gummy smile. You will find out more about this in a moment.

    When a gummy smile becomes a problem

    A gummy smile may be aesthetically pleasing, but when should you worry? The key word here: Gingivitis. This is an inflammation of the gums. These swell your gums so that more gums can be visible when you smile. In addition, it usually causes pain. But don’t panic! Gingivitis is reversible and can be effectively treated with good oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups.

    So remember: a gummy smile is harmless in most cases. However, if sudden changes occur in the gums or you notice symptoms such as redness and swelling, it could be a sign of gingivitis.

    What are the causes of a gummy smile?

    A gummy smile occurs when an excessive amount of gum is visible when smiling. But why?

    • Lip movement: The upper lip can be raised excessively high in some people when they smile. This is mainly due to strong activity of the levator labii superioris muscle, zygomaticus major muscle and levator anguli oris muscle. These are all muscles that are responsible for lifting the upper lip.
    • Position of the gums: Excessive growth of the upper jaw can lead to more gums becoming visible. The gums may also be more visible due to inflammation.
    • Shape and length of the teeth: If the teeth are naturally short or have become shorter over the course of life due to wear and tear, the gums may appear more dominant. In addition, teeth that are only partially covered by the gums can cause a gummy smile.
    • Genetics: As with many other physical characteristics, a Gummy Smile can also run in families.
    • Bone structure: The position and shape of the upper jaw and the alveolar process (the area of bone where the teeth sit) can affect the appearance of the gums when smiling.

    Important: Often none of these factors alone cause a gummy smile. It is usually a combination of several factors.

    Can a Gummy Smile be treated?

    Yes, a gummy smile can be treated effectively. Medicine and aesthetics go hand in hand here. Depending on the exact cause, there are different methods to protect your gums from unwanted glances. Some of these approaches are non-invasive, while others are surgical in nature.

    For example, Botox can relax the muscles that lift your upper lip too much. For more permanent results, gum correction or even jaw surgery could be considered. Incidentally, we also make use of the muscle-relaxing effect of Botox in the treatment of forehead wrinkles, crow’s feet and frown lines.

    But be careful: before you focus on a solution, please talk to a specialist about it. Botox injections often bring you closer to a harmonious smile than you think. More information: Gummy Smile correction.

    Any questions? Our FAQ section has the answers!

    A gummy smile is a smile in which a noticeably large amount of gum is visible. Simply put, if you smile and see more gums than you want, it could be a gummy smile.

    A gummy smile is created by various factors such as the shape and length of your teeth, the position of your gums and the way your lips are lifted when you smile. Overactivity of the lip muscles or lip wrinkles can also significantly affect the appearance. Did you know: Bunny lines or a strawberry chin are also usually caused by hyperactivity of the facial muscles.

    In most cases, a gummy smile is harmless and purely aesthetic. However, in some cases it can be a sign of other health problems such as gingivitis. If you have any concerns, you should always consult a specialist.

    Yes, a gummy smile can change over time due to various factors. Gum disease in particular, such as gingivitis or periodontitis, can lead to a change in the level of the gums, which affects your smile. Keyword: ageing process. This can also play a role, as the gums recede over time. If you notice any changes, you should consult a dentist or specialist to clarify the cause and discuss suitable measures. Healthy gums are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also important for oral health.

    More questions? Simply make a personal consultation appointment online.


    Last updated: 12.11.2023