
Anyone who looks at pictures of friends or celebrities on Facebook & Co often gets the impression that everyone is blessed with perfect skin. But often filters are used to cheat. The truth is that everyone suffers from pesky pimples at one time or another – and everyone can fight them. Everything you need to know about blemishes and its treatment can be found here.

  • Skin impurities can be recognized by the greasy sheen or in the form of blackheads & pimples on the face and upper body.

  • Hormones, stress, a poor diet or skin care promote the development.

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Blemishes: Simply explained!

You probably know blemishes best from puberty. It manifests itself in the form of white or black blackheads and reddened, inflamed pimples. All of the above skin symptoms can be the first precursors of acne. They are usually caused by an interaction of many factors. Changes in hormone balance as well as excessive sebum production are only two of many factors that promote skin blemishes. This also explains why not all areas of the body are prone to blemished skin. Most often they occur on the face, back and chest.

When blemishes become a problem

In most cases, blemished skin is a mental burden. The appearance of the skin is very important for our perception of beauty and thus it often has a direct effect on self-confidence. People who suffer from blemished skin for a long time sometimes feel inferior or are afraid of making an unkempt impression on those around them.

But skin impurities can also become a problem on a physical level. This is the case when pimples affect large areas, blisters and nodules appear or area-wide inflammation develops. Then there is a great risk that scars will remain. At the latest, you should think about seeing a doctor.

What are the first signs of skin blemishes

In the early stages, it manifests itself by a slightly greasy sheen. Later, both white and black blackheads may appear. These occur especially on the face, shoulders, and chest and back. When blackheads develop into red, inflamed pimples and pustules, we speak of acne.

Blackheads are caused by an overproduction of sebum. This is actually very important: it ensures supple skin with a stable protective barrier. Unfortunately, sebaceous glands may want to help too much. Then the channel becomes clogged and fills with sebum as well as dead skin cells. A white blackhead appears. As soon as it tears, the skin pigment melanin stored in the blackhead reacts with oxygen. This causes the sebaceous plug to turn dark and become the classic black blackhead. You’ll especially often find these problem children in the T-zone, i.e. on the forehead, around the nose and on the chin.
If the white blackhead does not tear, but remains closed, bacteria can multiply in it. To get rid of them, the body provides inflammation. This shows itself to you through the dreaded pimple: the skin reddens and pus forms, which can be seen as a small white dot under the surface of the skin.

What causes blemishes

The development of blemished skin can be promoted by a wide variety of factors. The most important of these are:

  • Hormones: Especially androgens, i.e. hormones such as testosterone, have a strong influence on your skin. Because these ensure that the body produces more skin fat. That’s why you see pimples more often during puberty – after all, hormones go crazy at this time. The same applies to pregnancy, menopause and the second half of the menstrual cycle. The contraceptive pill can also trigger an imbalance in hormone levels.
  • Stress: Studies suggest that psychological factors also play a role. When you are under high tension, the adrenal glands release more androgens. These can again promote blemished skin.
  • Medications: glucocorticoids, androgens, steroids, psychotropic drugs and neuroleptics – all drugs that can promote skin blemishes.
  • Diet: The western diet is characterized by many carbohydrates and a high amount of cow’s milk products. Like sugar, these products are highly suspected of promoting skin problems. Maybe you can drink your coffee with oat milk or go for the sugar-free option with your favorite yogurt?
  • Other factors: Nicotine use and inappropriate or excessive skin care can also lead to blemished skin. The same applies to environmental pollution such as exhaust fumes and smog. Excessive sun exposure can also lead to pigment spots.

When should blemishes be treated

Every person suffers from skin blemishes at one time or another. When a pimple appears here and there, it is not always necessary to have a therapy prescribed by a doctor. Often, little things can noticeably improve your skin’s appearance. However, is your suffering pressure great or have you already made enough self-attempts with various care products without desired success behind you? Then we recommend you to get professional advice. At GoAesthetic, we can help you if one or more of the following apply:

  • Mild to mild form of acne with redness, pimples or isolated nodules
  • Disturbing pigmentation spots that have suddenly appeared after pregnancy, discontinuation of the pill or simply with age
  • Large pores with visibly many blackheads that you have a hard time getting rid of
  • (Acne) scars on the face or body

Any questions? Our FAQ section has the answers!

Regular, thorough facial cleansing is the basis for beautiful, well-groomed skin. In addition to daily facial cleansing, exfoliation and pore cleansing should be done from time to time to rid you of blackheads and skin flakes. Because both will make your skin look blemished. A HydraFacial is an effective combination of exfoliation, cleansing and moisturizing. Further down in the FAQ section we have some general tips for clear skin.

There are many reasons for blemished skin. One is hormonal changes, such as pregnancy, puberty, or taking hormonal contraceptives. Other common reasons are: Unhealthy diet, inadequate skin care, using makeup or skin care products that do not fit. To determine an exact cause and recommend appropriate treatment, often only a personal consultation can help.

Exactly which foods are responsible for skin blemishes has not been clearly proven. However, some studies showed that cow’s milk products, sugar and high-carbohydrate foods can have a negative effect on your skin.

Blemished skin can be aggravated by stress, an unbalanced diet, too little sleep and cigarettes. Likewise, too much makeup worsens your skin’s appearance by clogging your pores and encouraging blackheads to form.

The list of tips is long. Nevertheless, we want to give you a crisp overview here. And you will probably already know one or two of them.

  • Let pimples heal. Squeezing can aggravate the impurity of the skin and even lead to scarring. Probably the most difficult tip that most of you have certainly disregarded at some point.
  • Use suitable care products. Choose cleansers with a neutral pH that are suitable for your skin type.
  • Avoid makeup. Probably impossible for many. Nevertheless, a lot of makeup clogs the pores. This in turn favors blackheads and pimples. If you can’t do without makeup, choose products that are designed for the needs of blemished skin. And attention: Make sure to remove makeup before going to bed!
  • Pillowcases and towels: Sweat, dirt and remnants of care products accumulate in the pillowcase. Together they form the perfect habitat for bacteria. Therefore, you should change your pillowcases much more often than the comforter cover. The same applies to towels. Never use the same towel for your face and hands.
  • Balanced diet: reduce sugar as well as cow’s milk and watch your carbohydrate choices. Fruits and vegetables have a protective effect on your skin aging because of the antioxidants. However, detailed nutritional advice would go beyond the scope here.
  • Get enough sleep. Yes, it is also proven that too little sleep has negative effects on your skin.

More questions? Simply make a personal consultation appointment online.
