Crow’s feet

Do you have laugh lines on your face even though you don’t feel like laughing? The good news is that many people feel this way. Because the fine lines around the eyes form all by themselves with age. But why is that? What helps preventively against it? And what can you do if they are already there? You can find the answers here.

  • Crow’s feet are one of the dynamic facial wrinkles that start in the lateral corner of the eye and move outward.

  • Circles under the eyes can promote the development.

  • Distinguish: crow’s feet and wrinkles under your eyes. That’s because location has an impact on treatment options.

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Crow’s feet: Simply explained!

Colloquially, we refer to the fine wrinkles on the sides and below the eyes as crow’s feet. The name comes from the fact that the lines spread radially from the eye. Quasi like a crow’s foot. That is, crow’s feet are nothing more than eye wrinkles or smile lines. The underlying orbicularis oculi muscle is responsible for its formation. It surrounds the entire eye in a circle from the nose, through the eyebrows and corners of the eyes, to the cheekbone. When we squint the eye, its muscle fibers contract and crow’s feet form.

If you laugh a lot, you will get crow’s feet – sooner or later. That much is certain. But does this mean, conversely, that crow’s feet automatically always get happy people? No. Because the frequent squinting of the eyes also promotes the development. If you can’t read a text well or you wear glasses and you’re not wearing glasses right now – what happens? You inevitably squint your eyes and crow’s feet and wrinkles appear between your eyebrows (frown lines).

When crow’s feet become a problem

Fine lines around the eyes when you laugh heartily are perfectly natural. Laughter lines have a sympathetic effect – studies have already proven this. But what if they no longer disappear? Then they are usually considered disturbing and called crow’s feet. In short, like all facial wrinkles, crow’s feet are also part of the natural aging process. Whether you like it or not. But when they occur varies. You’ll find out how to recognize them early and what you can do about them in a moment.

What causes wrinkles around the eyes

One thing is clear: crow’s feet are signs of aging. But why is that? The explanation is very simple. As we age, not only does the elasticity of the skin decrease, but so do the youthful fat deposits on the face. Especially those under your eyes. The result: first dark circles appear and fine eye wrinkles persist. Of course, your personal lifestyle influences the pace of development just as significantly. Stress, lack of sleep or smoking – all turbos for your wrinkle development.

What are the first signs of crow’s feet

Eye wrinkles come only in old age? Wrong thinking! Because the first fine wrinkles can already appear in your early 20s. Especially the eye region is particularly susceptible to the first signs of the aging process due to the thin skin and low fat deposits. As a result, dark circles may appear even before adulthood due to small fat pads. And these in turn favor crow’s feet. Because did you know: if you already have dark circles under your eyes, smile lines underneath your eyes are more visible because your lack of fat pads makes it harder to smooth out the wrinkles.

When should eye wrinkles be treated

In a nutshell, the sooner the better – provided they bother you, of course. This is because as we age, fine lines become deeper and therefore more difficult to remove than when we were younger. So, even in your early 30s, a combination of treatments may be necessary to smooth out crow’s feet again. The options for treatment depend on the depth, location and how long the wrinkles have existed. Because there is a difference if the crow’s feet are on the side of the eyes or below them.

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At a young age, the best way to influence its development is with a balanced lifestyle. Sufficient sun protection, plenty of fluids and suitable care products can slow down the formation of wrinkles. But sooner or later no cream will help. Then medical helpers such as Botox, microneedling or hyaluronic acid are needed. Botox, in particular, prevents the severe formation of expression lines such as wrinkles around the eyes and forehead. Against a so-called strawberry chin it works wonders. We will be happy to advise you on what is suitable for you.

Crow’s feet next to your eyes are most effectively treated with Botox. It is injected into the lateral part of the eye muscle and smooths your wrinkles by inhibiting the movement of the eye muscle, preventing wrinkles from forming. Don’t worry: your facial expressions will still be preserved, as only small areas of muscle movement are reduced by Botox. However, if deep wrinkles are already present around your eyes, microneedling treatment is additionally required. Alternatively, a hyaluronic acid injection can smooth out wrinkles under your eyes and even out dark circles to some extent. We will be happy to advise you on site.

If you squint your eyes or laugh heartily, fine lines will form around your eyes. These wrinkles are called crow’s feet or smile lines. This is due to the fact that the wrinkles radiate outwards, starting from the corner of the eye. Fun detail on the side: crow’s feet belong to the same type of wrinkles as bunny wrinkles.

Crow’s feet appear due to the movement of the eye muscle. The eye muscle surrounds your entire eye and is responsible for eyelid closure and blinking. If you squint your eyes or laugh heartily, fine lines will form around your eyes. But these disappear in a fraction of a second as soon as you look normally. However, as we age, crow’s feet increasingly persist as the skin loses tone and the underlying fat pads diminish.

Your personal lifestyle is also responsible for how quickly eye wrinkles form. Lack of moisture, excessive sunlight or smoking lead to early wrinkling. You will notice this especially in the lip and eye area (see lip wrinkles).

More questions? Simply make a personal consultation appointment online.


Last updated: 14.04.2023