
Auch bei einer anfangs glatten und makellosen Haut können sich durch falsche Rasur kleine, entzündliche Erhebungen und Pickel ähnlich wie bei Akne bilden. Obwohl sie oft harmlos beginnen, können Rasierpickel sowohl schmerzhaft, als auch störend sein. Sie betreffen Männer und Frauen gleichermaßen und können an verschiedenen Körperstellen, einschließlich des Intimbereichs, auftreten.

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Razor bumps: Simply explained!

Razor pimples, also known medically as pseudofolliculitis barbae, are small, red inflammations on the skin that can occur after shaving. And although they look like pimples, they have nothing to do with acne or blemished skin. This is because they typically occur when hair is cut incorrectly or too close to the skin, bends and grows into the skin. The result is redness, swelling and sometimes pain. But the good news is that razor bumps can be avoided and there are effective ways to treat them.

How do razor bumps develop?

The development of razor bumps is often due to a combination of sharp blades, unsuitable shaving technique and inadequate aftercare. Blunt blades, inadequate skin preparation and skipping shaving gel or shaving foam can increase the risk.

If hair is cut too close to the skin or shaved against the direction of growth, it tends to curl and grow back into the skin. The result: small, inflamed bumps that we know as razor bumps. Skin irritation and redness are often side effects. And in the worst case scenario, pigment changes and scars can remain.

This may sound unsatisfactory, but it’s true: some people do everything right and still get razor bumps – this is also possible.

Difference between rashes after shaving and razor bumps

It is important to differentiate between rashes caused by allergies or friction and razor bumps caused directly by ingrown hairs.

  • Razor bumps are usually the direct result of shaving and ingrown hairs. They occur when cut hair grows back into the skin and causes inflammation. Small, red and sometimes painful bumps are visible signs.
  • Skin rashes after shaving, on the other hand, can have a variety of causes. They are not exclusively due to ingrown hairs and can include symptoms such as redness, itching and scaling. Allergic reactions to shaving products or the friction of the blade on the skin are possible triggers of such rashes.
  • Folliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicles. Hair follicles are the structures that surround your hair root and anchor it in the skin. This inflammation is usually caused by bacteria or other infectious agents. This causes red, sometimes purulent and painful spots on the skin. And although it is often associated with ingrown hairs and shaving, folliculitis can also occur independently. Unlike ordinary razor bumps, folliculitis sometimes requires medical treatment.

By now knowing the differences and paying attention to our skin’s signals, we finally understand how to prevent razor bumps and how to treat razor bumps.

Causes of razor bumps

You’re probably wondering what exactly is behind those annoying razor bumps. There are several factors that interact here. But let’s start with the basics: Our hair follicles can become clogged with dead skin cells or excess skin oil (keyword: blackheads). When shaving, the hairs are then cut in such a way that they are pointed and can penetrate the skin more easily. This happens especially if the skin is not sufficiently supple or the blade is not sharp enough.

Then bacteria and the associated inflammation come into play. This is because the skin is irritated after shaving and susceptible to bacteria, which can penetrate the small wounds and cause inflammation. The immune system reacts and the red, painful pimples appear. Of course, the choice of care products is also crucial. Products that irritate or dry out the skin often exacerbate the problem.

Shaving pimples usually disappear after a short time, but in rare cases skin discoloration remains after the inflammation, similar to acne scars.

  • Razor bumps in the genital area

    The sensitive skin of the genital area is particularly susceptible to razor bumps, and not just because of frequent shaving. The condition of the hair in the genital area plays an essential role here: it is stronger and thicker. When these strong hairs grow back after shaving, they tend to penetrate the skin more easily and cause inflammation. The result is painful razor bumps, which are particularly annoying in this sensitive area.

  • Razor bumps on the legs

    Legs are not immune to razor bumps either, although the causes here are sometimes different from those in the genital area. The skin on the legs is more resistant and the hair is usually finer. Nevertheless, blunt razor blades or an incorrect shaving technique can lead to ingrown hairs and inflammation. The result is the same: itchy, red pustules.

  • Razor bumps on the neck

    The skin on the neck is thin and sensitive, and the direction of hair growth can vary, making shaving more difficult. This makes it easier for skin irritation and ingrown hairs to occur. If you notice red, inflamed pimples on your neck, it could even be folliculitis – an inflammation of the hair follicles that is often caused by bacteria and may require targeted treatment. It is therefore important to be particularly careful when shaving the neck area and to take good care of the skin afterwards.

  • Razor bumps in the bikini line

    Similar to the intimate area, the skin here is more sensitive and the hair is thicker – both factors that favor the development of razor bumps. To make matters worse in the bikini area, the skin can be further irritated by the friction of clothing during movement and by sweat. This delays the healing process and increases the risk of inflammation.

Prevent and avoid razor bumps

There is good news: You can do something about razor bumps, because there are numerous preventive measures and treatment options! And prevention begins even before shaving. Here are some tips against razor bumps:

  • Salicylic acid peels: Exfoliate your skin regularly to remove dead skin cells and speed up the healing of razor bumps.
  • Fruit acid peels: Fruit acid also helps with your skin’s natural exfoliation process. Interestingly, a fruit acid treatment reduces the curvature of the hair and thus reduces the risk of the hair penetrating back into the skin.
  • Razor: A sharp blade is the be-all and end-all. Blunt blades irritate the skin and encourage the formation of spots.
  • Shaving technique: Always shave in the direction of hair growth and avoid going over the same area too often.
  • Beard: Make sure you apply enough foam before shaving so that the blade glides better over the skin.
  • Aftercare: Rinse the skin with cold water to close the pores quickly. A soothing lotion such as aloe vera can also work wonders and soothe redness and irritation. If you are prone to razor bumps, try products with antiseptic ingredients.
  • Break: If possible, give your skin a break – this will speed up healing and prevent future razor bumps.
  • Laser: If nothing else helps or you’re tired of dealing with razor bumps, try laser hair removal. This saves you from having to shave regularly and prevents inflammation in the long term. This can work wonders, especially in the case of folliculitis or severe inflammation with pus accumulations in the bikini area and razor bumps on the legs.

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A sharp razor, the right technique and gentle care products are the be-all and end-all. Soothing lotions or balms with antiseptic ingredients are recommended after shaving. Home remedies such as tea tree oil or aloe vera can also provide relief. In order to permanently avoid and reduce razor bumps, the only option is to use another method such as
laser hair removal
by laser.

This could be due to a number of factors. Common causes include incorrect shaving technique, blunt blades or a lack of skin care. Shaving against the direction of hair growth can also irritate the skin and contribute to the development of razor bumps. And sometimes you do everything right and reddish inflammations still develop. In the worst case scenario, scars may even remain, so you should either consider shaving less often or switching to laser hair removal.

Special care should be taken here, as the skin in this area is very sensitive. Use clean razor blades, shave in the direction of hair growth and then treat the skin with a soothing or antiseptic cream or lotion. There is no cure-all for razor bumps in the genital area if you want to continue shaving. An effective alternative to prevent razor bumps in the genital area would be to choose a different hair removal method – for example using a laser.

More questions? Simply make a personal consultation appointment online.


Last updated: 08.11.2023