
Information pursuant to Section 5 of the E-Commerce Act and disclosure pursuant to Section 25 of the Media Act:

GoAesthetic GmbH

Magdalenenstrasse 22/1
1060 Vienna
Tel.: +43 6811 072 62 12
UID No.: ATU77537747
FN: 568541 s

Activity: Provision of surgery and treatment rooms, trade with goods of all kinds
Member of the Chamber of Commerce for Vienna
Jurisdiction: Vienna
Professional supervision: Chamber of Commerce for Vienna

Ordination Dr. Peter Herndlhofer

Magdalenenstrasse 22/1
1060 Vienna
UID No.: ATU77538746

Activity: Operation of a general medical practice
Member of the Medical Association for Vienna
Jurisdiction: Vienna
Professional supervision: Medical Association for Vienna

Activity is subject to the Federal Act on the Exercise of the Medical Profession and the Professional Representation of Physicians (Ärztegesetz 1998 – ÄrzteG 1998, see:

GoAesthetic GmbH supports doctors and therapists in practice marketing and takes over commercial and organizational activities. It also provides the infrastructure for doctors and therapists. GoAesthetic GmbH is in no way liable for their medical and therapeutic activities.

Web design by

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All images, graphics and photos on this homepage are released for use on the homepage They are partially protected by copyright.
2. copyright
All content, works, design and images on the homepage are subject to copyright and intellectual property laws. The processing, reproduction and editing of the texts outside the copyright are prohibited. Likewise, the transfer to third parties is prohibited. Exceptions require the written consent of the owner.
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Any liability for direct, indirect or other damages is excluded – regardless of their causes, which arise from the use or unavailability of the data and information of this homepage. The user acknowledges the use of the homepage as well as the linked homepages at his own risk.
so that no one involved in the preparation of the information is (in-) directly liable for (consequential) damages.
The contents on this homepage have been compiled with the greatest care and knowledge, but the information cannot replace a visit to the doctor and medical advice. No responsibility can be accepted for any unauthorized treatments derived from this.
Likewise, the owner of this homepage cannot assume any liability for the correctness, up-to-dateness and completeness of the contents on this homepage as well as on all linked homepages. Furthermore, he understandably has no influence on the design and content of the linked homepages, which is why he also cannot assume any liability for the external links. The respective operator or provider of the homepage is responsible for the contents of the linked homepages. At the time of linking, no illegal content was identifiable. However, a permanent control of the contents of the linked homepages cannot be expected.
Errors excepted.


General Terms and Conditions of GoAesthetic GmbH

In the following we refer you to the general terms and conditions of GoAesthetic GmbH (Magdalenenstraße 22/1, 1060 Vienna, company registration number: FN 568541 s). These come into force for cosmetic and medical services in the premises of the company address, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

  • The General Terms and Conditions govern the business relationship between GoAesthetic GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “we” or “GoAesthetic”) and the clients (hereinafter referred to as “Client”), unless otherwise agreed in writing.
  • The GTC come into effect for all consulting and treatment contracts.
  • If the patient accepts the offer from us and visits the premises of the company address for a consultation or treatment, a treatment contract is concluded.
  • By making an appointment for a consultation or treatment, the customer declares binding acceptance of the contractual offer.
  • The customer is expressly requested to behave properly in the treatment rooms as well as in the waiting area. In case of inappropriate behavior, we are entitled to expel the customer from our place of performance and, if necessary, also to issue a house ban.
  • We do not assume any liability or other warranty for all items and clothing of the customer at the place of performance.
  • The customer agrees to the automatic electronic processing of his data (name, address, telephone number, email address, health data, diagnoses, allergies, treatments). The data will be treated with strict confidentiality. The data will only be passed on to Dr. Peter Herndlhofer, Magdalenenstraße 22/1, 1060 Vienna.
  • Only the law of the Republic of Austria shall apply to the contract concluded with us and to these GTC. The place of jurisdiction is Vienna.

Treatment, therapy and counseling

  • Before the start of treatment, the customer is obliged to inform us truthfully about complaints with disease value, allergies, concomitant diagnoses and infectious diseases. So that we can adapt the treatment to it and avoid any adverse effects of the treatment.
  • The treatments and consultations are provided by us to the best of our knowledge and in accordance with the current standard of hygiene regulations.
  • We cannot guarantee the success of medical and non-medical treatments desired by the client or the achievement of agreed goals. The client undertakes to implement the pre- and post-treatments outside the surgery to the best of his knowledge and ability. The customer must follow treatment-specific instructions.
  • The customer is not entitled to compensation if the treatment is not successful, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
  • We retain ownership of all products sold until full payment of all claims against the customer.

Fee, payment

  • The prices of treatments and consultations are based on the current price lists, which appear at the place of performance (company address) or on the homepage. However, we reserve the right to make changes regarding the price and the scope of treatment.
  • If new price lists appear on the homepage or at the place of performance, they replace the previous prices with immediate effect.
  • All treatments and consultations are payable in full at the point of service either before or immediately after the treatment/consultation. The customer can pay either in cash or with the means of payment offered by us.

Dates, downtime fee

  • Treatment appointments are binding both in writing via the homepage and verbally.
  • Short waiting times are important to us. If the client cannot keep his appointment, he is obliged to cancel the agreed appointment in time. Appointments can be canceled only in writing 24 hours before the agreed treatment (preferably using the following email address: Otherwise, the customer agrees to pay a lump-sum expense allowance of € 75.00.
  • If the appointment was made by phone, we accept a cancellation by phone no later than 24 hours before. Otherwise, telephone appointment cancellations will not be accepted.
  • In the absence of timely cancellation and non-appearance at the appointment, the customer is obliged to pay a lump sum compensation of € 75,00. This must be paid within one calendar week.
  • If the customer is late, the originally agreed date still applies. If it does not affect the further organizational process (especially follow-up appointments), we are obliged to make up the appointment immediately. If this is not possible or if the delay is so long that the treatment cannot be carried out without interfering with subsequent appointments, we are entitled to insist on an alternative appointment or a lump-sum compensation of € 75,00. The replacement date must be within the next 4 calendar weeks.

Promotions, discounts and coupons

  • Promotions are valid only in the period specified by us and only while stocks last. There is no legal claim to discounts or promotions.
  • Promotions, discounts and vouchers can only be combined if we have explicitly stated so.
  • GoAesthetic APP discounts, promotions and coupons can be redeemed with us.
  • Discounts and promotions are not transferable to other persons unless otherwise stated by us. In the case of lost or stolen vouchers, no refund will be made even if the invoice is presented.
  • Vouchers can be redeemed only 1 time. Cash redemption is not possible.
  • We are entitled not to accept vouchers if there are doubts about their authenticity or if the vouchers have been damaged or not paid for in full.

Treatment duration and termination:

  • The treatment contract is agreed between the customer and us by mutual consent, either orally or in writing.
  • The treatment contract ends when either client or we decide to do so.
  • We may refuse the treatment contract without giving reasons if the necessary relationship of trust cannot be expected or if there are reasons on our part that may bring us into conflicts of conscience. We may also refuse a treatment contract if the patient has unrealistic expectations regarding the success of the treatment or if there are hygiene or health concerns.

Severability clause

Should individual provisions of the treatment contract or the General Terms and Conditions be or become invalid or void, this shall not affect the validity of the treatment contract as a whole. Rather, the invalid or void provision shall be freely interpreted and replaced by a provision that comes as close as possible to the purpose of the contract.

General Terms and Conditions of the Ordination Dr. Peter Herndlhofer

In the following I refer you to the general terms and conditions of Dr. Peter Herndlhofer (Magdalenenstraße 22/1, 1060 Vienna). These come into effect for medical and non-physician services in the office, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

  • Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the General Terms and Conditions govern the business relationship between Ordination Dr. Peter Herndlhofer (hereinafter referred to as “Ordination” or “I”) and the patients (hereinafter referred to as “Patient”). The General Terms and Conditions shall apply to all treatment contracts within the meaning of § 49 para 2 ÄrzteG 1998.
  • If the patient accepts the offer of my office and visits my office for a consultation or treatment, a treatment contract is concluded.
  • By making an appointment for a consultation or treatment, the patient declares binding acceptance of the contractual offer.
  • The patient is expressly requested to behave properly on the premises of the surgery and in the waiting area. In case of inappropriate behavior, I am entitled to expel the patient from the office and, if necessary, to ban him/her from the premises.
  • I do not assume any liability or other warranty for all objects and clothing of the patient in the office.
  • The patient agrees to the automatic electronic processing of his/her data (name, address, telephone number, email address, health data, diagnoses, allergies, treatments). The data will only be passed on to GoAesthetic GmbH, Magdalenenstraße 22/1, 1060 Vienna.
  • Only the law of the Republic of Austria shall apply to the contract concluded with me and to these GTC. The place of jurisdiction is Vienna.

Treatment, therapy and counseling

  • Before the start of treatment, the patient is obliged to inform me truthfully about complaints with disease value, allergies, concomitant diagnoses and infectious diseases. So that I can adjust the treatment to it and avoid any adverse effects of the treatment.
  • The treatments and consultations are provided by me to the best of my knowledge and according to the current standard of hygiene regulations.
  • I cannot guarantee the success of medical and non-medical treatments desired by the patient or the achievement of agreed goals. The patient undertakes to carry out the pre- and post-treatments outside the surgery to the best of his or her knowledge and ability. The patient must follow treatment-specific instructions.
  • The patient is not entitled to compensation if the treatment is not successful, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

Fee, payment

  • The prices of treatments and consultations are based on the current price lists, which can be found in the clinic or on the homepage. However, I reserve the right to make changes regarding the price and the scope of treatment.
  • If new price lists appear on the homepage or in the surgery, they replace the previous prices with immediate effect.
  • All treatments and consultations are payable in full at the office either before or immediately after the treatment or consultation. The patient can pay either in cash or with the means of payment offered by me.
  • Medical treatments or consultations are not charged by me directly with the payer (health insurance). Therefore, the patient is responsible for any reimbursement or cost authorization and for applying for it.
  • If there is only partial reimbursement from the payer, this will not affect my fee.
  • My information about third party reimbursement practices is not binding.
  • Many of my treatments are private services that cannot be reimbursed through health insurance.

Dates, downtime fee

  • Treatment appointments are binding both in writing via the homepage and verbally.
  • Short waiting times in the office are important to me. If the patient cannot keep his appointment, he is obliged to cancel the agreed appointment in time. Appointments can be canceled only in writing 24 hours before the agreed treatment (preferably using the following email address:
  • If the appointment was made by phone, we accept a cancellation by phone no later than 24 hours before. Otherwise, telephone appointment cancellations will not be accepted.
  • In the absence of timely cancellation and non-appearance at the appointment, the patient is obliged to pay a lump sum compensation of € 75,00. This must be paid within one calendar week.
  • If the patient is late, the originally agreed appointment still applies. If it does not affect the further organizational process (especially follow-up appointments), I am obliged to make up the appointment immediately. If this is not possible or if the delay is so long that the treatment cannot be carried out without interfering with subsequent appointments, I am entitled to insist on an alternative appointment or a lump sum compensation of € 75,00. The replacement date must be within the next 4 calendar weeks.

Promotions, discounts and coupons

  • Promotions are valid only in the period specified by me and only while stocks last. There is no legal claim to discounts or promotions.
  • Promotions, discounts and coupons can only be combined if I have explicitly stated so.
  • Discounts, promotions and coupons from the GoAesthetic APP can be redeemed with me.
  • Discounts and promotions are not transferable to other people unless otherwise stated by me. In the case of lost or stolen vouchers, no refund will be made even if the invoice is presented.
  • Vouchers can be redeemed only 1 time. Cash redemption is not possible.
  • I am entitled not to accept vouchers if there is any doubt about their authenticity or if the vouchers have been damaged or not paid for in full.

Treatment duration and termination:

  • The treatment contract is agreed between the patient and myself by mutual consent, either verbally or in writing.
  • The treatment contract ends when either the doctor or the patient decides to do so.
  • I may refuse the treatment contract without giving reasons if the necessary relationship of trust cannot be expected or if there are reasons on my part that may bring me into conflicts of conscience. If the patient has unrealistic expectations regarding the success of the treatment, I may also refuse a treatment contract.

Duty of confidentiality, notification and reporting:

  • I am subject to medical confidentiality according to § 54 para. 1 Physicians Act 1998.
  • I treat patient data confidentially. I only provide information about patient data for therapy and counseling if, due to legal requirements, the duty of confidentiality does not exist (see §54 para. 2 and 3 in connection with para. 6 Medical Act 1998) or if I am required to report to the criminal police or public prosecutor’s office according to §54 para.4 in connection with para. 5 Medical Practitioners Act 1998.

Severability clause

Should individual provisions of the treatment contract or the General Terms and Conditions be or become invalid or void, this shall not affect the validity of the treatment contract as a whole. Rather, the invalid or void provision shall be freely interpreted and replaced by a provision that comes as close as possible to the purpose of the contract.