Neck wrinkles

Neck wrinkles below the chin and around the neck are often caused by sagging tissue. Similar to wrinkles on the face, neck wrinkles are usually perceived as unpleasant and detract from an attractive appearance.

Fortunately, there are effective methods we can use to care for the skin and tighten neck wrinkles. A smooth neck is an insider tip, it conjures up a young and attractive flair.

  • There are only a few sebaceous glands on the neck. As a result, this area of skin dries out particularly quickly and becomes flaccid.

  • The skin starts to age as early as the age of twenty. The production of new skin cells slows down and blood circulation is reduced.

  • Environmental influences, UV rays, smoking and a poor diet all contribute to wrinkles. Genetic factors are also involved.

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Neck wrinkles: Simply explained!

Neck wrinkles form under the chin and extend both in a ring and vertically around the neck. They are often irregular, making the neck appear shriveled, limp and wilted. Horizontal neck folds appear parallel to the chin line. Other pleats run lengthwise along the neck. These folds are reminiscent of the neck of a turkey, hence the name turkey neck.

How do neck wrinkles develop?

There are countless causes of neck wrinkles. On the one hand, the skin in this part of the body is particularly thin and is only supplied by a few sebaceous glands, making it more susceptible to wrinkles. In addition, ageing causes a loss of collagen, which also leads to a significant reduction in the elasticity of the skin. And not to forget: UV radiation. Inadequate sun protection leads to skin damage, which greatly accelerates the ageing process and the development of wrinkles.

Not only the skin, but also the neck muscles age with age, so that the skin under the chin loses its support and sinks with gravity. The so-called platysma plays an important role. This wafer-thin muscle is located on the jaw and stretches the skin during mimic movements. A sagging excess of skin slowly develops over the neck area.

Your head and body posture can also increase the development of wrinkles on your neck. The longer and more intensively we shape a double chin, the faster the skin on the chin loses its elasticity and increasingly sags. This often happens when we look at our cell phone. In addition to the aesthetic consequences, this can lead to back and neck pain.

An unhealthy diet such as fast food, smoking and a poor lifestyle such as too little sleep also influence the formation of wrinkles. And of course, as always, there is also a genetic component.

Difference: wrinkles on the neck and wrinkles on the face

Our face changes over the years, the skin’s elasticity decreases and fine wrinkles appear. Be it forehead wrinkles or lip wrinkles: In addition to environmental and lifestyle reasons, they are all the result of our facial expressions. It is not for nothing that we also speak of frown lines and laugh lines. Marionette lines, which run from the corners of the mouth to the chin, and nasolabial folds also become more pronounced with every year. The latter occur less due to pronounced facial expressions, but rather because the tissue in the face becomes saggier, making gravity much more visible.

Facial wrinkles can create a characterful appearance, but if they are too pronounced, they can also be perceived as very disturbing and change the facial expression.
Neck wrinkles, on the other hand, do not result directly from our facial expressions, but are caused by sagging tissue in the chin and neck area, primarily due to insufficient skin care and damaging UV rays.

Avoiding and preventing neck wrinkles

The be-all and end-all of wrinkle prevention is proper care. Those who not only care for their face but also regularly cleanse and care for their neck and décolleté effectively ensure that their skin is well nourished. Special care lines with aloe vera, collagen, vitamin C or hyaluron strengthen the elasticity and can therefore smooth out neck wrinkles. First and foremost, of course, is sun protection. It should be applied daily, both in summer and winter.

In addition, weekly peelings help to promote blood circulation in the skin and gently remove old skin cells. The right diet also contributes to attractive skin. You should avoid alcohol, sugar and fast food and opt for fresh vegetables, salads and fruit instead. It is particularly important to drink plenty of fluids to pamper the skin from the inside.

Did you know that sleeping on your back is the best sleeping position for smooth skin on your neck and chin? Most other sleeping positions are more likely to contribute to wrinkling. Your posture throughout the day also influences the formation of wrinkles. When working at a computer, you should be careful not to push your chin down too much. Your PC monitor should be set so that you are looking slightly upwards. This also applies to cell phones.

How can neck wrinkles be treated?

Special neck exercises can help you to relax your neck. The muscles are trained and strengthened. Cosmetic treatments include special skin care with ingredients such as olive oil, rose oil and argan oil, which provide your skin with excellent moisture and nutrients.

Botox (botulinum toxin) is another effective treatment method for neck wrinkles. Botox can be used to relax the platysma and significantly reduce neck wrinkles. A combination of Botox and hyaluronic acid also relaxes the tissue and plumps it up from the inside. Your skin then retains more fluid and becomes smoother and firmer.

Radiofrequency therapy has also become increasingly popular in recent years. Combined with microneedling, it warms the lower layers of the skin and stimulates collagen production, making the skin firmer and reducing fine wrinkles. The Morpheus8 is an example of this type of radiofrequency microneedling. The advantage of this is that no foreign substances are added to the body and the skin regenerates and tightens itself from within – almost completely naturally.

Any questions? Our FAQ section has the answers!

Neck wrinkles are a completely normal sign of ageing. Individual factors such as lifestyle, behavioral habits and genes determine how pronounced they are.

In the course of our lives, skin cells divide more slowly. The result: our elastic collagen fibers no longer form sufficiently, so that the skin on the chin is pulled downwards. Fine wrinkles on the neck or face as well as a cobblestone-like skin area are usually the result of excessive sun exposure – in medicine we also refer to this as elastosis of the skin.

With consistent skin care and sunscreen, neck wrinkles can be smoothed out or at least prevented to some extent. A combination of Botox and very liquid hyaluronic acid such as Profhilo is much more effective. Neck wrinkles can also be successfully smoothed with innovative procedures such as radiofrequency microneedling.

More questions? Simply make a personal consultation appointment online.


Last updated: 08.11.2023