There are countless causes of neck wrinkles. On the one hand, the skin in this part of the body is particularly thin and is only supplied by a few sebaceous glands, making it more susceptible to wrinkles. In addition, ageing causes a loss of collagen, which also leads to a significant reduction in the elasticity of the skin. And not to forget: UV radiation. Inadequate sun protection leads to skin damage, which greatly accelerates the ageing process and the development of wrinkles.
Not only the skin, but also the neck muscles age with age, so that the skin under the chin loses its support and sinks with gravity. The so-called platysma plays an important role. This wafer-thin muscle is located on the jaw and stretches the skin during mimic movements. A sagging excess of skin slowly develops over the neck area.
Your head and body posture can also increase the development of wrinkles on your neck. The longer and more intensively we shape a double chin, the faster the skin on the chin loses its elasticity and increasingly sags. This often happens when we look at our cell phone. In addition to the aesthetic consequences, this can lead to back and neck pain.
An unhealthy diet such as fast food, smoking and a poor lifestyle such as too little sleep also influence the formation of wrinkles. And of course, as always, there is also a genetic component.