Bunny Lines

With increasing age, wrinkles appear on everyone’s face – very discreetly at first, but more and more clearly over time. These include bunny lines, affectionately known as bunny wrinkles, which stretch from the root of the nose towards the corners of the eyes.

  • These are dynamic facial wrinkles, which are favored by sun exposure and dry skin.

  • Affected are people who like to laugh a lot or who often wrinkle their nose in their facial expressions.

  • Initially only fine lines present with appropriate facial expressions, they remain clearly visible with age even when the face is relaxed.

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Bunny Lines: Simply explained!

The nose wrinkles with the funny name Bunny Lines remind of the facial expressions of a cute, sniffing or munching bunny. They are created by your individual facial expressions, for example when you snort or laugh. Not everyone is affected by them, but if you like to laugh often, Bunny Lines might show up in you too. In the beginning, the wrinkles are still very discreet and only show up with the appropriate facial expressions. This can look really cute. However, since if you like to laugh, you probably laugh more often, noticeable wrinkles will gradually develop from the fine lines that run from the root of your nose to both corners of your eyes. Also, do you have dry skin or enjoy extensive sunbathing? Both additionally support the development of the bunny-like nose wrinkles.

When Bunny Lines Become a Problem

In young people, the wrinkles are often considered charming when laughing or nasally, especially since they appear when laughing and laughter radiates cheerfulness. These cute nose wrinkles belong to you and distinguish you like your very own character. However, as you age, your skin loses more and more elasticity and cell regeneration slows down. The once fine lines on the bridge of the nose become longer and stand out more clearly: from the root of the nose to the corners of the eyes, they can reach several centimeters in length, and from a certain depth of wrinkles, they remain more and more evident when the face is at rest. What looked charming in your younger years with an otherwise fresh, smooth complexion looks old as the years go by – until your face is eventually marked by deeper wrinkles. On tanned skin, they often remain visible as lighter stripes. Nose wrinkles become a problem at the latest when they bother you and you no longer feel comfortable when you look in the mirror.

What creates bunny lines

You have individual facial expressions. Facial expressions cause certain facial muscles to be used more frequently: Your facial expressions belong to you, and when you like to laugh in your charming way or wrinkle your nose, the very facial muscles in the area where the bunny-like wrinkles form become active. They form because the muscles activated there make your skin contract in a certain way over and over again. These are the initial fine lines you see. As soon as the muscles are no longer active, the young elastic skin returns to its original state. With the aging of the skin, this happens less and less, and even with relaxed facial muscles, expression lines remain: first very slight, later more and more pronounced, until at some point deeper furrows are visible. The process is the same as for forehead wrinkles.

What are the first signs of Bunny Lines

At first, you may not even notice the fine lines on the bridge of your nose. But it’s easy to find out if you’re developing bunny lines in front of the mirror: look closely when you wrinkle your nose or laugh. While doing this, you can see if there are any small wrinkles running outward at the root of the nose. Is that the case? Then you can expect them to become more prominent and also longer as the years go by.

Since dry skin and sun exposure promote bunny lines, you can also take a look in the mirror if your skin feels particularly dry or after being exposed to regular UV rays. Then try wrinkling your nose: can you see fine wrinkles starting from the root of the nose? Try the same thing when you smile at your reflection.

When should Bunny Lines be treated

Nose wrinkles should be treated at the latest when you find them disturbing. However, keep in mind that the sooner you do something about it, the more effective the result will be. This is because it is simply easier to reduce less pronounced wrinkles than those that have already burrowed deep into the skin when the facial muscles are at rest.
Also keep in mind that if wrinkles in other areas of the face are smoothed out with hyaluronic acid or Botox, it may increase wrinkles at the root of the nose. There are two reasons for this:

  1. They stand out much more in the otherwise less mimic face.
  2. Due to the reduced activity at the treated areas, the facial muscles of the untreated areas work harder. If, for example, crow’s feet or frown lines are smoothed, it is recommended to treat nose wrinkles at the same time.

Any questions? Our FAQ section has the answers!

Care tailored to the skin, moisturizing and refraining from extensive sunbathing can slow down the expression of fine lines such as wrinkles on the nose or lips, but cannot stop the skin aging process. Botox is more effective: During Botox treatment, a muscle relaxant is injected very specifically under the skin with a fine needle. The result: the skin looks smooth again and the facial muscles, which are then less active, counteract expression lines. Ever heard of the strawberry chin? Botox can help there, too.

These are fine lines that run left and right from the root of the nose toward both eyes. Since you see them on certain facial expressions, they belong to the dynamic facial wrinkles. It’s different with static facial wrinkles like the nasolabial or marionette lines, which you see all the time regardless of your facial expressions.

More questions? Simply make a personal consultation appointment online.


Last updated: 06.02.2023